A few of my favourite pieces loosely categorized for getting a better understanding of what's going on out there.
I also include a reading list at the bottom of the page that I try to update on a regular basis.
Topic-Specific Toggle Lists
Interesting Links Archive
Q2 ‘22Q1 ‘22Q4 ‘21Q3 ‘21Q2 ‘21Q1 ‘21Name | URL (Click Here) |
Deep Research and Knowledge Value | |
AI as the engine, humans as the steering wheel | |
Gradual Disempowerment | |
Web 4 | |
monoceros.com/insights/zero-knowledge-proofs-a-technology-primer | |
The Puritans of Venture Capital - by Kyle Harrison | |
Assimilating the BORG: A New Cryptolegal Framework for DAO-Adjacent Entities | by Delphi Labs | Apr, 2023 | Medium | |
Yield Guild Games: Update and Outlook — Naavik | |